Mr King is a youth full family entertainer directed by Shasidhar Chavali starring Vijayanirmala’s grandson Sharan Kumar (son of Naresh’s cousin Rajkumar). The film is produced by BN Rao under Hanvika Creation Banner. Yashvika Nishkala and Urvi Singh are playing the female leads in the film while Mani Sharma is rendering tunes.
Speaking at a press conference, Sharan Kumar said, “The music given by Mani Sharma got an excellent response. The response to the teaser has also given great happiness. We are bringing this film to the audience on 24th of this month. The entire unit worked very hard for this film. Producer BN Rao didn’t compromise anywhere. Shashi garu has directed brilliantly. Yashvika Nishkala and Urvi Singh gave good performances. Working with seniors like Sunil, Tanikella Bharini, Murali Sharma and Vennala Kishore was a great experience. I learned many things from them. This is my first movie. We need all your support and love. I want everyone to watch the movie on 24th and bless us.”
Meanwhile, director Shasidhar said, “Every self-respecting boy should watch this movie. Every family with a girl child should watch this movie. The response received during the projection of the film for the last two days has given me great joy. When the censor projection took place, they said that they remembered their baby after seeing the climax and it was emotional. This is a must watch movie for everyone. Those who come to the theater will definitely enjoy it.”