TDP national general secretary Nara Lokesh has alleged that the Jagan Mohan Reddy government is seriously hampering the growth of the Backward Classes (BCs) and the corporations formed for the welfare of the community only on paper. During the ‘padayatra’ of Lokesh, a memorandum was submitted by the Dasari community on Tuesday and said that they belong to the nomadic community eking out their livelihood by chanting ‘Harinamam’ and demanding permanent representation in the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) Trust Board. Responding to their problems, Lokesh said that after the TDP government is formed all their problems will be resolved.
At Nindra, the affected employees of the Nethams Sugar Factory met Lokesh and said that the company cheated at least 4,000 sugarcane farmers. The company was closed and the dues to the farmers amounting to Rs 37 cr are yet to be cleared. Lokesh promised to repay their dues with interest soon after the TDP comes back to power and Minimum Support Price (MSP) will be paid to the sugarcane farmers.
The Dalits of the SC Colony of Tumbur also met Lokesh and exhibited their power bills to him. They said that the subsidy on power charges was lifted under lame excuses, they said and stated that the power charges are now very heavy as the fares have been revised periodically. Lokesh promised to provide free power to all Dalits once the TDP comes to power.