Tollywood actor and budding political leader Nandamuri Taraka Ratna (39) was declared dead by the doctors of Narayana Hrudayalaya in Bangalore on Saturday night. Taraka Ratna passed away after battling for his life for about 23 days following a massive heart attack he suffered on January 27 in Kuppam during the inaugural of TDP national general secretary Nara Lokesh’s walkathon ‘Yuva Galam’.
Taraka Ratna was receiving treatment at Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital in Bengaluru, but his condition had reportedly been critical since Saturday morning. Sadly, the doctors have now confirmed that he has passed away. However, the hospital authorities are yet to release an official statement on his death.
As per reports, the actor’s body is being taken to Hyderabad in an ambulance and is expected to reach Hyderabad on Sunday.
His last rites are likely performed at Mahaprasthan on Monday evening. In the wake of his untimely death, many Tollywood celebrities have taken to social media to pay tribute to the late actor. Mega Star Chiranjeevi was among those who posted an emotional message expressing his grief over the loss.
Actor Taraka Ratna, who has been overseeing the arrangements and the itinerary of Telugu Desam Party general secretary Nara Lokesh’s Yuva Galam walkathon at Kuppam, suffered a heart stroke and was rushed to the PES Medical College Hospital there, where he was declared out of danger.
Taraka Ratna was accompanying Lokesh, who was offering prayers at a couple of temples, a mosque, and a church in Kuppam, after launching the Yuva Galam padayatra on January 27. The entourage of Lokesh, which included actor Nandamuri Balakrishna, came out after offering prayers at the mosque. Suddenly, Taraka Ratna showed signs of dizziness and collapsed on the ground. He was immediately rushed to a private hospital in Kuppam and later shifted to the nearby PES Hospital nearby. The doctors performed CPR and an angiogram on the actor and inserted a stent.
Balakrishna, who left the ‘padayatra’ midway, stayed with Taraka Ratna. The PES Hospital authorities and Balakrishna initially made efforts to airlift Taraka Ratna to a super-specialty hospital in Bengaluru but later shifted him by road.