Following the conclusion of the elections in the neighboring Telangana state on Thursday evening, the political landscape is gradually intensifying in Andhra Pradesh. The...
Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has directed the officials to complete the 'Nadu-Nedu' second phase works in schools as per schedule while focussing...
A day after the altercation between Telangana police and Andhra Pradesh police at Nagarjuna Sagar dam which resulted in political statements, Â Irrigation Minister Ambati...
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana have agreed to Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla's proposal that both states revert to the release of Nagarjuna Sagar waters...
Minister for Social Welfare Merugu Nagarjuna lashed out at Ramoji Rao's false propaganda through his articles in his daily newspaper. He expressed anger over...
Former minister Perni Venkataramaiah (Nani) has expressed his anger that TDP leader Kollu Ravindra is telling lies out of jealousy and hatred over the...