Famous actor Sapthami Gowda from Kantara is in the news for a contentious reason. A woman named Sridevi Byrappa has accused the young actress of having an affair with her husband, Kannada actor Yuva Rajkumar. Yuva and Sridevi, who are no longer together, have been pursuing a divorce. Yuva, a recent Kannada film, featured Sapthami and Yuva together.
Sapthami, who recently moved to a municipal court in Bengaluru, has been stung by the charges. A restraining order has been issued against Sridevi in response to her court suit; she must now refrain from speaking negatively about Sapthami at all. The Kantara actress believes that her fame has been denigrated by Sridevi’s remarks.
At the moment, Sapthami is doing Thammudu in Telugu, with Nithiin leading the way. The 28-year-old actress played Dr. Sreelakshmy Mohandas in the Hindi film The Vaccine War, which marked her Bollywood debut last year. This year, the Kannada actress Popcorn Monkey Tiger will make her Tollywood debut in Nithiin’s film.