The Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) has started a four-day State-Level Technical Programme (SLTP) at the university auditorium in Rajendranagar on Tuesday. The event was inaugurated by Dr S Sudheer Kumar, Registrar of PJTSAU, who advised university scientists to focus on enhancing farmers’ income by reducing the excess use of fertilisers, pesticides and water.
In his inaugural address, Dr S Sudheer Kumar emphasised the importance of weed control, which incurs a lot of labour and wages in farming operations. He also highlighted the need to develop farm mechanisation that meets the requirements of small and marginal farmers. Crop diversification is another major concern for agricultural scientists, and they should explore alternate crops in place of paddy and cotton crops, which occupy nearly 80 per cent of the area in the state, he added.
Dr M Venkat Ramana, Director of Research at PJTSAU, presented the research highlights of the year 2022-23. Meanwhile, Dr V Sudha Rani, Director of Extension, spoke on the occasion.
The four-day programme will provide a platform for scientists from various research stations to present their research activities and prepare plans for future research programmes. The subjects covered during the event include crop improvement, crop production, crop protection, community science and social sciences.
The programme is considered as an excellent opportunity for scientists to share their research and knowledge to improve agricultural practices and enhance the livelihood of farmers. The event is expected to provide a better understanding of the current agricultural challenges and how they can be overcome with new research and technologies.
The programme will conclude on April 28.