West Godavari district Collector Chadalavada Nagarani directed the officials to be prepared with a proper plan to face the threat of flood and heavy rain.
The Collector held a meeting with the officials and reviewed the preparations being made to face the imminent heavy rains threat due to low pressure in the next few days. Speaking on the occasion, Collector Nagarani said that the irrigation officials should be alert and steps should be taken to identify and strengthen the areas where the embankments of canals and rivers are weak.
She directed them to speed up the removal of weeds and wild creepers from the canals to ensure free flow of water. The necessary material should be kept ready, she ordered them stating that the civil supplies officials should be ready to identify the vendors who supply candles and matchboxes in bulk. The PDS dealers were asked to stock essential commodities to supply to the affected areas, if needed.
“The mandal level officials will have to be alert and prepare milk and other supplies on a war footing. Lack of sanitation in panchayats and towns cannot be tolerated. Care should be taken that drain water does not mix in drinking water pipe lines, leakages should be detected and repaired immediately,” the Collector instructed the officials and told them that drinking water should not be supplied under any circumstances without chlorination. Arrangements should be made to drain out rain water from the roads, she told them.
“Better sanitation management programmes should be undertaken on a large scale so that lack of sanitation is not a reason for the outbreak of fevers in the district. DPOs and DLDOs should monitor sanitation programmes in panchayats. DM&HO should thoroughly monitor the cause of the fevers and take appropriate measures to control them,” the Collector directed them.
The District Agriculture Officer told the Collector that the water flow was not smooth due to the decrease in the length of the drains at Mallavaram and Kopparru in Kolana Mandal, Narasapuram Mandal and because of this, the agriculture fields are getting marooned. The Collector instructed the officials to issue notices to the encroachers. The Collector advised the electricity officials to ensure that high tension wires are not hung at a low level and no electrocution incident should take place in the district.
Joint Collector T Rahul Kumar Reddy, DRO J Uday Bhaskar, Special deputy Collector B Shivannarayana Reddy and DMHO Dr. D Maheswara Rao were among those who attended the meeting.