Bhuvanagiri MP Chamala Kiran Kumar Reddy has demanded that the Central government immediately release a package for Telangana under the national disaster relief framework. Speaking at a press meet at Gandhi Bhavan on Wednesday, Kiran Kumar Reddy stressed the need for Prime Minister Narendra Modi to personally visit Telangana and assess the damage caused by recent floods. “The Centre must come forward to support the State, and it’s crucial for the Prime Minister to understand the ground reality firsthand,” he stated. Taking aim at Union Minister Kishan Reddy, he remarked that the minister’s statements were causing confusion among the people. “Even when rains and floods devastate the State, KT Rama Rao seems unbothered. He spends his time on Elon Musk’s platform X, where his posts have become the subject of ridicule,” Kiran Kumar Reddy said. He also referred to the recent Supreme Court judgment on bulldozer politics in Uttar Pradesh, drawing a comparison to Hyderabad’s HYDRAA initiatives.