The bustling town of Gajuwaka witnessed an electrifying spectacle as activists and supporters thronged the streets, dancing and celebrating during Gudivada Amarnath's nomination filing...
YSRCP North Andhra regional coordinator YV Subbareddy has rallied party workers and leaders in Visakhapatnam, urging them to mobilise like soldiers for the party's...
Emphasising the YSRCP government's commitment to women's well-being, member of Rajya Sabha and North Andhra Regional Coordinator, YV Subbareddy, highlighted that women's health remains...
In the wake of mounting criticism regarding the conversion of the Governor's Bungalow into a political office for YSRCP, the district administration has finally...
In response to the recent criticisms levelled by Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) chief YS Sharmila, YSRCP regional coordinator YV Subbareddy has urged Sharmila...