Bharat Rashtra Samiti’s Andhra Pradesh unit chief Thota Chandrashekar has failed to deliver, though all kinds of moral and material support came to him on a platter from BRS leaders K Chandrashekar Rao and working president K T Rama Rao. Be it Vishaka Steel Plant, attracting big leaders from other parties to join BRS, or even conducting a small event, Chandrashekar did not do much. Even those who had evinced interest in joining BRS are now rethinking because of the antics of the state president.
Highly placed sources in BRS said: “Had KTR pursued any issue of Telangana akin to VSP, everybody would go all-out and attack the Centre. Andhra BRS leadership could not make the most of the opportunity; instead, folks like Lakshminarayana bagged the limelight”.
Other sources said that even the protest conducted at Vishaka was absurd as those who had taken part were left unattended halfway through. “At least don’t bring disgrace to the new party, if you cannot uplift it”, sources said.
According to sources, the strategy presently adopted to attract leaders has appalled many people. Eyebrows are being raised over the seriousness of BRS to play a role in Andhra Pradesh. “Social media groups are being used to attract leaders. This is something new and never known in politics. If you want someone to seriously join the party, they should call, talk, and convince. That’s how KCR, KTR or any leader does. People who are not interested are just leaving it. It doesn’t behove the stature of State President that too of KCR’s party”, sources alleged.
Political analysts believe that the legacy of KCR and vibrancy of KTR had not been properly showcased in Andhra.
Sources in BRS party unit in Telangana acknowledged that there are reports over performance of the local leadership in Andhra Pradesh; and, when the right time comes, they will move forward.
Party sources said, “We don’t have cadre in Maharashtra but when we decide to go all-out, all resources will be deployed. Now we can gather a lakh people in Maharashtra. It is slow paced in Andhra due to the current political situation. In a month or so we will go to Andhra as well. When we go all the momentum that is needed will be created”.