The Uppal Skywalk being constructed at a cost of around Rs 25 crore has reached its final stage, Will be open for pedestrians soon, said Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) officials.
The sky bridge skywalk (boardwalk) will soon be available to the public to allow pedestrians to cross the road on all sides at Uppal Cross Roads near Inner Ring Road.
As part of the pedestrian bridge project, eight lifts, six staircases and four escalators will be available to the public. In total, 37 pillars, 660 meters long, three, four and six meters wide, the Uppal Skywalk stands at a height of six meters above the ground.
For the beautification of the pedestrian bridge (Uppal Skywalk) with a total length of 660 meters, only 40 per cent of the roof covering has been arranged.
It is estimated that more than 20,000 pedestrians cross the road every day on both sides of Uppal Square. By making the Uppal SkyWalk available, the pedestrians crossing the footpath will use the skywalk to allow traffic signal-free traffic at the Uppal intersection.
Uppal Metro train station normally sees around 25,000 to 30,000 passengers every day. Henceforth, Uppal Metro train passengers will be able to travel from Metro con core (floor) via pedestrian bridge (skywalk) to their respective destinations as per their needs, said HMDA.
The HMDA Urban Forest system will increase greenery with plants around the lifts and stairways. The Skywalk project has been completed with the use of more than a 1,000 tonnes of structural steel.
Structural steel from Central public sector enterprises Steel Authority of India (SAIL), Vizag Steel (Visakhapatnam) and Jindal Steel companies has been used in the construction of the pedestrian bridge as per the directives of the State Government for long term durability.